By Karen Selick...
Child Support Guidelines--A Presentation to the Senate Committee (Apr. 98)
Child Support Guidelines--Written Brief to the Senate Committee (Apr. 98)
Speech to Fed Up II Rally (Gun Control) (Sept. 98)
How So-Called Human Rights Laws Violate True Individual Rights (July 00)
Transcript of Presentation to Ont. Legislative Committee on Asset Forfeiture Legislation (Feb. 01)
The Status of Property Rights in Canada (March 01)
Transcript of Presentation to Nfld. Legislative Committe re: Tobacco Leglisation (May 01)
Same-Sex Marriage: A Mere Pimple on the Pocky Face of Family Law (April 04)
The Moral Myths of Medicare (November, 2005)
Human Rights Laws - UGH! (August, 2007) - link to Google video
Red Herrings in the Judicial Independence Ocean (Nov. 07)
Last updated June 26, 2011